Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mail Server Basics with Sendmail Configuration

Mail Server Basic Concept

* MTA - Mail Transfer Agent This is the piece of the mail system thats responsible for transfering the mails from one system to another e.g. Sendmail, POP, IMAP, Qmail, Postfix, Exim

· MUA - Mail User Agent These are just mail clients. Program that you use to compose and send mails Linux: mail, evolution, thunderbird, elm, mutt, pine Windows: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Eudora

· MDA - Mail Delivery Agent Sometimes it is referred to as LDA (Local Delivery Agent) MDA is not responsible for sending mails between systems. Its only responsible for moving the mails into user's mailbox. MTA receives the mail and hands over to MDA to deliver the mails into users mailbox e.g. Procmail

Lets see how email works

- show evolution configuration nouresh%linobox.om Auth Type: passwd Server Requires Authentication
- CRAM-MD5 --> check for supported types
- Username: abc%test.com
- shell> mail chan < notes.txt 

- shell> mail
- & 1
- & del 1
- & help
- & quit